
The Importance of Routine Wheel Alignment

The Importance of Routine Wheel Alignment

The alignment of wheels keeps the balance of your car intact when the tyres meet the road. A proper alignment assures that your wheels point straight and your tyres stay at the centre in the wheel wells. However, a misalignment signifies the improper angles of the vehicle's wheels. And, it has many adverse effects on your car's performance. A wheel alignment involves the adjustment of wheels along with the suspension as well. During an alignment, the tyres are pointed at a certain angle so that they can run in tandem for maximum efficiency. However, you have to keep an eye…
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Know About the Critical Chassis Issues

Know About the Critical Chassis Issues

A car has a complex structure of completely or partially moving components. These parts stay on a metal frame to work mutually. In general, it is known as chassis. However, the chassis does not seem as important and probably hides behind the scenes. But, it is equally important to a car's performance as other parts such as the engine, transmission, etc. Being a metal frame, a chassis may become more prone to wear and tear. It may get damaged over time. The chassis bears the weight of several parts; it should not be taken lightly. Read on these points to…
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